Volume Ace Apk v3.4.2 Full Version Gratis Terbaru For Android - Volume Ace merupakan Aplikasi Volume Manager premium yang befungsi untuk memudahkan penggunanya mengelola tingak volume pada Android dengan cepat dan mudah. Selain itu juga kalian mampu membuat profil dan beralih atau memilih pribadi dari widget.
Volume Ace Informasi Aplikasi
Nama : Volume Ace Apk
Version : 3.4.2
Android : 2.0 +
Ukuran : 808 kb
Upload : 27 Desember 2015
Volume Ace Features:
- Create your own presets. Now each profile can save his own Ringtone, Notification and Alarm tone.
- Scheduler : Schedule profiles to apply automatically at the time and day you choose.
- Timer: Set a profile temporarily for x hours and minutes. Useful for meetings, movies etc. so you don't forget to turn off the "silent" profile.
- Plugs : Automatically switch to profiles of choice when plugging Earphones, Desk or Car.
- Set Mode(From widget too): Silent, Vibration & Normal.
- Cycle through profiles by tapping widget
- Tone picker for Ringtone, Notification and Alarm
- Sounds while adjusting volume (using the actual tone)
- 10 Widgets with levels and profiles
- Custom colors/style to widgets and main screen (Orange, Azure, Green, Red, White, Vintage, Blue Yellow, Pink and Purple)
- Locker: Prevent ringer and/or media volume to be changed outside the app.
- Bluetooth volume
Cara Instal :
- Download Volume Ace Apk nya
- Masuk ke Setting / Security / Centang Unknown Source
- Instal File apk nya hingga selesai
- Jalankan Aplikasi nya
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